Can Electric Vehicles Be Hacked?

Did you know that electric vehicles are not suitable for typical cybersecurity practices? Research conducted at Concordia University clearly reveals this. So, how is cybersecurity provided in electric vehicles? The answers are in our article! Electric vehicles (Electric Vehicles: EV), equipped with high technology, contain many innovations that are not available in traditional vehicles. For …

Cloud technology: 5 essential benefits of using it for your company

New developments are constantly emerging in the area of ​​Technology and Information (IT), some of which are unable to meet market needs and become temporary, while others have had a positive impact on companies and are here to stay, such as cloud technology . This innovation brings a large number of advantages to the business that improve productivity , …

How to present software to a client? Learn about the C4 model

A software product has several features, such as: design, user interaction, data persistence, integration with other software, server structure, and many others.  It is often difficult to know how to present software to stakeholders in a clear way, so that they understand how each of these features will be present in a given product. One of the challenges …

What is machine learning and how do large companies use this technology?

There are many market trends that, when least expected, become reality. In recent times, technological development has guided the improvement of several corporate processes.  Cloud technology  is here to prove this. In this context, every manager has the duty to know what machine learning is. More than ever, they must know why this concept has become so …