What distinguishes a businessman from an entrepreneur?

Are you familiar with the ways wherein an entrepreneur differs from a businessman? While those phrases have a tendency to be confused, they have distinctive meanings and inside the world of employment they denote unique styles of practitioners.

In this case however, there are some similarities, commercial enterprise notion and management potential however the idea in the back of each of them stands proud as a separate positioning in the international of enterprise. A professional may be both, but commonly, each is placed otherwise in a company and behaves otherwise.

In a easy language, being an entrepreneur means to be an owner of a enterprise or a business, however for a professional in business, it’s miles more complex than that. In truth, this is one of the more broadly everyday definitions of entrepreneurship. More so, proudly owning a enterprise and being an entrepreneur can imply a lower function within the corporate international.

Consequently, in the hierarchy, this specialist has a crucial locus of control in terms of the business, financial and strategic decisions. The businessman is also a hands on executive, that is he is involved on a daily basis in the affairs of the organization, and though he may not be following all the processes in detail, he understands the workings of the firm quite well.

This is usually a position that, in addition to technical knowledge, has an important behavioral component. Hence a common trait among people who are found in this position is the older age range since the skill required, in this case, is knowledge that takes many years to gain.

There are also entrepreneurs who are founders of their organizations and, therefore, have in-depth knowledge about the company, its history, competitors and the market. Despite having an experienced view of the market, these professionals also have certain limitations.

In general, he does not have a risk-taking characteristic, and prefers to maintain routines and processes without major changes. He can also be, in some cases, more centralizing, having difficulty delegating tasks or trusting other managers to make decisions in their areas.

What does it mean to be an entrepreneur?

Unlike a businessman, an entrepreneur has a risky attitude as one of his main characteristics. Entrepreneurship means finding opportunities in a given market to create something different and new.

Therefore, it is not just a position, but a behavior. Although it is associated with the creation of a company, the entrepreneur can act as a collaborator of an organization, applying these qualities in his work.

Still, it is more common for this type of performance to be applied to the development of something new, creating a company, product or service that can precisely offer a solution to the market.

Innovation is the main fuel for this professional, who uses creativity to chart his professional path.

He needs to have behavioral skills , such as good communication skills, resilience and emotional intelligence, but he also needs to acquire a series of technical skills.

Anyone starting a business or developing an innovative solution must thoroughly study the market in which they wish to operate, have knowledge of other aspects of the company such as the administrative and financial sectors, and continue developing themselves to deal with the unforeseen events of a business.

Entrepreneur VS businessman

Although, as we have seen, some characteristics overlap, the main difference between the two is that one is related to a position, while the other is about professional behavior.

As a result, entrepreneurs tend to have a vision of the future and a keener eye for trends, seeking out new things and being willing to change direction or bet on what they believe in. Even so, both positions have characteristics in common. Check them out:

Leadership skills

These professionals manage teams, even if they are the leaders of each sector of the company. Therefore, developing leadership skills such as open communication, feedback culture and task delegation is important and necessary in both cases.

Strategic planning

Even though, in practice, this planning is different based on the more conservative or liberal characteristics of each person, both need to have the ability to develop strategies based on the company’s objectives.


On the road to business success, problems and unexpected events happen all the time. As leaders and decision-makers, these professionals need to be prepared to face these issues and find solutions quickly.

Market understanding

Due to their position in the company, they are responsible for determining the paths to be taken by multiple areas. This means that they need to have in-depth knowledge of the market in which they operate and the company’s segments.

Even a businessman who does not have in-depth knowledge of marketing, for example, needs to know what competitors are doing, what actions carried out by the company have relevant results and what is being done to promote the brand and its services.

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