What If My Electric Car Has Run Out on the Motorway?

If your most common question when using electric vehicles happens to be this: “What if I get stuck eon route with my electric vehicle?”,

For most people, charging will be the first thing when looking to buy or lease an Electric Vehicle (Electric Vehicles: EV). Especially searching for the solution to the question of what happens if the battery of an electric vehicle runs dry when on the road seriously frightens potential users. So, what really happens if you get stranded on the road with your electric vehicle? Would you call a tow truck and have it taken to the nearest charging point, or is there a different solution? Let’s find out!

1. What to Do If Your Electric Car Runs Out of Power While Driving?

If your electric vehicle battery is depleted, you don’t need to ask for a tow truck and hurry to the nearest charging station. In such a case, all you need to do is ask for the m-charge vehicle service, which can provide mobile charging for an electric vehicle! m-charge vehicles come to the vehicle in case the electric vehicle breaks down on the road or its charge is too low to go to the nearest station and charge it up to 80 kilometers in 20 minutes. m-charge vehicles, which offer charging service with DC (direct current) current and 22 kilowatts of power, are currently only available in Istanbul and provide 24/7 service. Additionally, the charging inputs and voltages of these automobiles are compatible with all electric automobile models.

2. Can Electric Car Be Charged While in Motion?

Currently, under present conditions, electric cars can not be charged while traveling on the road. The infrastructures of roads should be rearranged and installation of charging equipment on those infrastructures should be there for this purpose.

Charging rails built road-like on the road that resemble the train tracks also work as a good solution to address the problem of range since it is one of the several problems in electric vehicles  . But it’s clear we have to count many more years before coming to implement this technology into reality.

Fortunately, automobile batteries have regenerative technology that makes them charge naturally while running, slowing or braking. In this sense, it is also possible to optimize the maximum distance that can be traveled.

3. How to Increase the Range of an Electric Car When Its Battery is Nearing Exhaustion?

One of the most frequently asked questions regarding the use of electric vehicles is how to increase the range of electric vehicles. This question is directly connected with the risk of your electric vehicle breaking down on the road.

This implies that if you do not like your electric vehicle to get out of order while running in the road or at least not take you to the nearest charging point, then it may avoid sudden acceleration or braking and maintain a smooth flow while driving. Additionally, it increases the range of your vehicle by switching off air conditioning, radio and windshield wipers not required in the vehicle.

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