What is entrepreneurial education, benefits and 3 strategies

Although schools across the country have a unique learning program, pedagogical approaches can vary depending on the school, the teachers, or the institution’s proposal. Among them, one that has stood out aims to prepare young people to deal with the job market in a more informed way. Read this text to understand what entrepreneurial education is and the benefits of this educational perspective.

It is very common for young people to comment on specific topics studied in the educational curriculum that are not always applied in adult life, such as complex mathematical or chemistry questions.

Whether it’s because they don’t understand how this impacts their daily lives, or because they’re far from what they want to study in their undergraduate studies, this teaching makes a difference in their academic training.

However, there are other issues that are never addressed in school and that end up being missed when they start their adult lives. Many people, for example, finish high school without knowing how to file their income tax.

But not only that, when starting their academic life and looking for opportunities in the job market, these professionals are not always prepared to enter the corporate environment because they do not understand its complexity or do not know what companies expect from an employee, even one without experience.

And having some preparation in this aspect can help young people gain their first professional experience and even accelerate their career progress.

What is entrepreneurial education?

It is very likely that most adults, when experiencing their first job, have had to deal with situations where they did not know exactly what to do. An unforeseen event that needed a quick solution or a question or dissatisfaction from customers.

Of course, practice helps develop these skills that allow the professional to solve these issues, but the sooner he learns this, the more prepared he will be to deal with the real world.

Furthermore, the student graduates understanding other career possibilities, and can choose a degree that will complement their plans.

And that’s where entrepreneurial education comes in. This educational approach proposes that, while still at school, young people begin to develop skills that will prepare them not only for the job market, but also to become entrepreneurs.

From this perspective, students not only learn complex mathematical questions, but understand how they apply to life and work, learning to calculate the production value of a given product or understand the rules related to taxes.

This is done in a practical way, through projects that allow students to work in teams, delegate, broaden their vision of work, seek more information and have new ideas.

Strategies for applying entrepreneurial education

Implementing this approach requires joint action between teachers and management, with clear objectives about what is intended to improve in students. Here’s how to do this in practice:

1 – Entrepreneurship fair

Schools often hold science fairs, where students present experiments based on their lessons learned. An entrepreneurship fair takes a similar approach, but groups can create new products, build a business model, and come up with fun and innovative solutions to solve problems in their school or neighborhood.

2 – Autonomy and new ideas

Because they follow a pattern, many schools opt for more traditional approaches to teaching, but everyone learns at the same pace. Creating an environment where they can express themselves allows them to come up with new ideas about how to learn these lessons, whether through songs, making comparisons to current topics, or other creative ways.

Furthermore, offering autonomy so that they can solve problems and debate topics discussed in class can provide a broader view of historical and current topics, and even encourage empathy in the classroom.

3 – Undertaking in practice

What better way to understand professional dynamics than by applying them? The class can be divided into groups and each group represents a company. Within the group, each student has their own role and they are encouraged to work as a team, communicate and propose solutions to complete tasks.

Benefits of entrepreneurial education

In addition to preparing them for the job market and offering a perspective on the possibilities of entrepreneurship, this approach brings other benefits to education. Check it out:


Although children are more creative, this is a characteristic that loses ground as they grow up, especially within school.

Changing this concept allows them to expand their horizons, since creativity is not only related to the field of arts. A creative mind has an easier time solving problems and coming up with new ideas.


Working in a group and understanding the importance of each person’s role also allows you to exercise empathy, a quality that is necessary not only in the job market, but in life in general.


It also promotes more open communication and creates a friendlier environment that is less prone to fighting or bullying.

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