Do you know what sustainable entrepreneurship is ? This entrepreneurial trend is growing in the current scenario because it aligns with the need to create sustainable solutions that are committed to ESG practices .
When it comes to growth in the corporate market, companies that are aware of global changes know that it is not just about more profit. Professionals and consumers have changed their mindsets, and the environment has undergone profound transformations, which is causing corporations to rethink the way they operate.
As a result, ESG has gained strength in recent years, opening space for new professionals and perspectives, as well as opportunities to work directly with this concept.
ESG and market transformations
The concept of ESG, which stands for “Environmental, Social and Governance”, is aligned with the UN (United Nations) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), created precisely to promote new practices in the job market.
The idea is that, basing the transformation on these pillars, companies will start to dedicate investment and solutions that allow them to be more sustainable in the face of environmental changes, but also in their internal policies, promoting environments with well-being and safety for all employees.
This is a growing trend in the market, and companies that do not pay attention to these pillars will soon lose ground. Consumers are more aware of the behavior of companies and, therefore, choose to buy from organizations that work to improve their performance in relation to the environment and more humane management.
This opens up space for companies to create specific sectors to address these issues, and we see the ESG market booming with new job opportunities. However, the scenario goes further and opens up space for sustainable entrepreneurship, that is, with a focus on solutions in this sense.
Entrepreneurship is, in essence, finding opportunities in the market to start a business and position yourself in a different way, and these transformations and global demands pave the way to innovate and offer solutions that help companies on this journey.
Furthermore, by being born with this sustainable concept, the company has these pillars in its own culture and, in addition to economic success, it values internal solutions that contribute to this scenario and reduce its environmental impact and contribute to society.
This means that monetary goals, although important and necessary for the development of an organization, are not its only fundamental point. Sustainable entrepreneurship actively seeks to position itself as an ESG company and bases its operations on solutions that meet these criteria.
How important is sustainable entrepreneurship?
As we have said, we are at a time on the world stage where it is impossible to ignore the climate or social transformations that humanity is facing. In this sense, companies that do not prioritize their environmental and social impact will tend to lose market share.
Therefore, the importance of this type of enterprise goes beyond overcoming the competition and standing out, but also in its role in reducing the climate crisis and promoting growth that aims at the development of the population and cities, decent employment opportunities and honest performance.
Therefore, sustainable entrepreneurship is not only a viable and growing form of action, but it is also the only possibility for the future of business.
Characteristics of sustainable entrepreneurship
We talk about ESG, but even when applied to this type of business, it is a broad concept. What exactly defines sustainable performance? Check out the main characteristics of a company with this purpose below:
Social responsibility
Companies that are born with this concept do not only aim for profit, but also evaluate the impact of their activities on the communities where they operate in general, whether in the city, neighborhood, country and even internally, with employees and their families.
Environmental responsibility
Another highlight, of course, is the company’s ecological impact, whether its internal policies to avoid waste, its production, emission of gases that are harmful to the ozone layer, water treatment and pollution in general.
It is necessary to understand that, individually or as a society, our activities have an impact on the environment, therefore, in addition to paying attention to this in the company, it is necessary to raise awareness among everyone and create practical solutions to reduce this impact.
When establishing a culture that prioritizes sustainable performance, the company must practice what it preaches. A speech without practice, besides being empty and meaningless, will eventually be discovered and will imply a bad reputation for the organization.
Therefore, creating an internal environment conducive to dialogue and fair growth, offering opportunities for remuneration and working hours in line with the market and having compliance are necessary actions to maintain transparency and ensure the trust of internal and external audiences.